Sunday, May 26, 2024

Talat Hussain

Talat Hussain, the prominent actor of the country and the identity of PTV, passed away on May 26, 2024. First, Hussain was an actor who proved himself with unparalleled acting. He showed the essence of his acting in the theater and won appreciation.

 Another bright light of Pakistan's showbiz industry has gone down. After the funeral prayers, he was buried amid groans and sobs. He was ill for a long time and was admitted to a private hospital.

He started his career as an announcer with Radio Pakistan. 

He started acting in 1964 and benefited the nation with his excellent acting. His services were recognized at the official level and he was awarded the Presidential Medal for Excellence.
He received his acting training from an academy in London and also performed in a Hollywood film.

                       He performed in such a way that many people were moved to tears in his life and the news of his death has moved a large number of people to tears.

He was 84 years old and lived a great life. His void will never be filled and Pakistan cannot produce an actor like Talat Hussain again. He was a model of humility, Apart from this, he had the status of an academy. Talat Hussain was called the Shakespeare of drama. He acted in some dramas. Talat Hussain's services to the arts should always be remembered. Talat Hussain always lives in the hearts of the people.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Political history of Kashmir

Political history of Kashmir 

Today, the election campaign is going on in Indian-administered Kashmir and the election activities are at their peak. It can be well understood that in Indian-administered Kashmir, in the month of October 1947, Maharaja Hari Singh decided that he would accede to India and the conditions which were accepted by India at that time included Kashmir. Acknowledgment of free and independent status is included. Apart from that, the Indian Constitution will not apply to Kashmir. Which was done with Raja Hari Singh but India seriously violated it and the problem has arisen in 1949 when the constitution of India was made and questions about Kashmir arose. The then Prime Minister Jarlal Nehru has decided that the Indian Constitution can be applied in Kashmir with the approval of the President of India and with the approval of the independent and independent government of Kashmir. This is the occasion when India started digging its claws in Kashmir under the ideas and thoughts of Kotla Chanakya. Since then, gradually getting the help of the law in Kashmir, the Indian administration has rapidly gained its influence in Kashmir and has turned Kashmir into a prison. What is the condition of this prison? Violations are common, extra-judicial killings and abductions of youths have become commonplace.Since then, gradually getting the help of the law in Kashmir, the Indian administration has rapidly gained its influence in Kashmir and has turned Kashmir into a prison. What is the condition of this prison? Violations are common, extra-judicial killings and abductions of youths have become commonplace.


Mass atrocities have become commonplace in Kashmir and with the help of laws, the Indian administration is targeting the youth, especially the youth. is emerging very rapidly and one of the reasons for this is the use of social media and internet which is usually banned and internet service is suspended for many days.

This persecution of India is continuing rapidly in its administered Kashmir and the serious violations of human rights have succeeded in convincing the world that there is a power game going on in Indian-administered Kashmir and the feelings of the people are there. Their sentiments, their ideas, their ideas are being crushed. This situation arose when people were brought from outside to settle in Kashmir and especially Hindus were brought from Bihar and they were told that if If they live in Kashmir, they will become beautiful. These Hindus of Bihar look very ugly and they were told that if they go and settle in Kashmir, their future generations will become beautiful. They agreed and they are living there. This situation is not acceptable for Kashmiris.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Today and tomorrow

The political situation that has been in the background of the current situation in Kashmir has been highlighted in this video. Kashmir Today and Tomorrow
It has been proven in history that in the partition of India in 1947, there were some independent states in these states, Kashmir was an important state where Muslims lived in the majority, while there were some states where the majority were Hindus but the rulers were Muslims. Like Hyderabad Deccan State and other such states to understand the background of Masla Kashmir, this video includes historical photos.
Raja Hari Singh was the ruler of Kashmir and he and his prime minister did not want Kashmir to join India. The majority of Muslims in Kashmir were either in favor of joining Pakistan or they wanted to remain independent and the Hindu rulers also followed the wishes of the people. 
Raja Hari Singh was the ruler of Kashmir and he and his prime minister did not want Kashmir to join India. The majority of Muslims in Kashmir were either in favor of joining Pakistan or they wanted to remain independent and the Hindu rulers also followed the wishes of the people. Keeping in view, he had made such a policy which apparently seemed that the image of Kashmir as a Hindu state would not be presented to the world but a thousand independent Kashmir would exist on the map of the world.
At that time, Jawaharlal Nehru, the great leader of the Congress, who belonged to Kashmir, his ancestors were also related to Kashmir and he had an emotional attachment to Kashmir.
While at that time the big leader of Congress, Jawaharlal Nehru, who belonged to Kashmir, his ancestors were also related to Kashmir and he had an emotional attachment to Kashmir, he wanted Kashmir to be a part of India and Kashmir India. Jawad Lal Nehru went to Kashmir to achieve this goal of annexation. But Hari Singh did not agree with him, so he consulted the then Viceroy of India, Mountbatten, and he wept in front of him and expressed his emotional commitment to Kashmir. But he was not ready to understand and was very emotional and wept. In all this Mountbatten advised him to send Gandhi there. As might be expected, this was understood and Gandhi was sent there, where he stayed until 4 August 1947 and met the Raja and the Raja's family.
The results after this meeting were dire. Raja Hari Singh dismissed his Prime Minister and appointed General Jang Singh as Prime Minister. Revolts arose in the state and some were particularly affected and the traces of the early rebellion. General Janak Singh tried to suppress the rebellion and asked for help from India, but India made the help conditional on accession. 
Finally, the Raja acceded to India in October 1947 and India entered its army into the borders of Kashmir.
This act has further inflamed the feelings of Muslims, the results of which we are seeing today and a war started which is still going on. India has occupied Kashmir by force and India has 62% of the area.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

What are the causes of skinny girls?

The number of thin girls in the society is increasing rapidly and an attempt will be made to understand its reasons. What are the reasons why girls are weak or thin and their numbers are increasing rapidly?

There is a culture of poverty and the culture of poverty is increasing rapidly in our society, due to which many problems are also coming to the fore which may not have existed before or even if they did exist, they were not in the form they are today. We're seeing this and one of the problems that poverty is causing is that the number of thin girls is increasing rapidly and that's because they're in early form or early development. I do not get adequate food due to which their body structure is changing, their height is decreasing and there are girls with thin soft and delicate and bone structure and their number is also increasing. If its background is examined, this fact comes to light The issue of skinny girls is not only a problem of Pakistan, but it is a problem of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka and other similar backward countries that exist around the world. There is a form and the feudal system, tradition and way of thinking that exists here is depriving girls of their rights due to which they are suffering from malnutrition. The nature of society is such that the way of thinking is such that boys is prioritized while the girl child is neglected and this is the reason why she does not get adequate food from the government and her early development is affected which is an effect we Can also see in the height and leanness. 

Outdated thinking, feudal traditions, systems and attitudes deprive girls of many of their rights. A simple example will also be presented here in which you imagine that there is a curry in a house, it is only a plant in the curry and there is a boy and a girl who have to eat it. That booty will be given to the boy and the girl will be deprived of that booty. This is a concept that is important and reflects our society's way of thinking and neglecting girls. Depriving them of education, depriving them of importance, depriving them of compassion and love has actually become a part of our outdated thinking and tradition and that is why thin girls and their increasing number are There is evidence that girls are suffering from undernourishment.

It is thought that the boy is more important, the support of old age, while the girl is privy and has to go to others, she has to get married and the relationship ends, so she is treated as a guest. But it is accepted and it is treated. This attitude is very wrong and it can be called against the rights of children. In this form we see girls and other related issues. A video has been prepared on this topic which is in Urdu language, you will be able to learn more about the related topic with the help of this video, the link is being given which you can click on to watch the video.What are the causes of skinny girls?


Thursday, May 2, 2024

National Museum of Pakistan Karachi

There is a National Museum of Pakistan in Karachi, which, apart from the Harappa, has objects from Monjdro and others. There are very ancient manuscripts which have been created in a separate gallery.

or artefacts that may not be found elsewhere. Excavated objects associated with Mahanjodru are found here in large numbers and impress researchers in addition to the general public.

Let's take you to visit the National Museum of Pakistan Karachi and by clicking on the given link you can see the National Museum of Pakistan Karachi and the objects in it in the video. Museum of Pakista A Visit

What is political engineering? پولیٹیکل انجینئرنگ کیا ہے ؟

Political Internet refers to actions that denigrate a political process, such as the arbitrary use of laws, number two, the use of non-political norms to make laws, and the arbitrary interpretation of laws, whereby political engineering is used.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Layallpur Now Faisalabad in the Pictures

Lyallpur or Layallpur was named Faisalabad in 1979, given by the President of Pakistan. Faisalabad is the second largest city in the Punjab province after Lahore and the third largest city in Pakistan. Its history spans thousands of years, and its eight bazaars meet in one place, which makes it unique. Faisalabad is also known as mini Manchester. Industries and other industrial-related products and culture are the hallmarks here. 
 Its history is thousands of years old and its eight bazaars are very famous and meet in one place. This historical status of Faisalabad has been established for centuries and still being an important city of Pakistan, it is known all over the world. Faisalabad is a city with political, social, and historical status and has played an important role in the development of Pakistan. is playing a role.

This city was named Faisalabad after King Faisal, which is also a sign of the ideal relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Also known as Mini Manchester, it is the third-largest city in Pakistan.

Faisalabad is also famous for its Agricultural University of Agriculture and its products are also loved worldwide. The development of this city has been unprecedented and the industry in this city has grown very rapidly. This city is of great importance for the ownership of Pakistan and its importance will not decrease even in the next few years. Rather, it will increase. Its products in food processing are making their mark worldwide and their demand is increasing rapidly. The textile industry also earns a lot of money for Pakistan and by exporting the banner to the country, foreign exchange also flows through this city. Layallpur or Lialpur Now Faisalabad , History in the Picture Urdu VideoThe people living here are divided into different castes and communities, the most important of which are Jat Aryan, Gujjar, Rajput Mughal, Syed Pathan, Bhatti, Balochi, Awan, and Kashmiri.


Under the constitution of Pakistan, there is a two-member parliament, one is the National Assembly and the other is the Senate of Pakistan.T...