Friday, July 12, 2024

The Supreme Court of Pakistan is a constitutional body

The Supreme Court of Pakistan is an institution established under the Constitution, which has the authority to interpret the Constitution and is authorized to make very complex, constitutional decisions. If considered closely, it is very different and in such circumstances, if the Supreme Court of Pakistan takes decisions in accordance with the constitution and law and under their spirit, it has direct effects on our democracy and political conditions, which is a positive step forward. Or the situation can be said that it is our good fortune that apart from the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the High Courts of the provinces are also making decisions according to the constitution and the law and in accordance with their spirit. And a constitutional balance is created. In these situations, if the decisions of the Supreme Court are criticized and its background is political, then its effects will directly affect the democracy and the democratic structure. An independent independent judiciary is needed in a democracy. In order for them to get their rights, there is a backward democracy in Pakistan and the people are deprived of their rights to the extent that the constitution and law give them rights, they do not get those rights. The trust of the people in the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the satisfaction of the civil society is the proof that in the near future the Supreme Court and the High Court of Pakistan will be stronger, independent, independent and will make the decisions that the law requires. And in accordance with the constitution, where they have the trust of the people, they also have the support of other constitutional institutions under the institutional balance. According to democratic thinking, according to democratic ethics, the decisions of the higher judiciary cannot be criticized and there are some limits that we have to take care of so that the judiciary can perform its duties in the best way.


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Under the constitution of Pakistan, there is a two-member parliament, one is the National Assembly and the other is the Senate of Pakistan.T...