Saturday, October 12, 2024


Under the constitution of Pakistan, there is a two-member parliament, one is the National Assembly and the other is the Senate of Pakistan.The Senate of Pakistan also has judicial powers and by increasing the judicial powers of the Chairman of the Senate and the role of a constitutional court can be given to the House, thus the financial conditions of the poorest state of Pakistan can be improved. Establishment of constitutional court will increase the expenditure in Pakistan and poor people will wait for better planning to lift them out of poverty.The Senate of Pakistan often does not have a quorum and the expenses of the members as well as the chairman of the Senate are unusual.The Senate of Pakistan can be made a constitutional court and there will be opportunities and members to discuss the constitutional issues and it will prove to be a new history in the political history of Pakistan and this kind of experience will be better for the poor country. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Monday, August 12, 2024

Indus Water Treaty and Causes of floods in Pakistan

The Indus Water Treaty or the Indus Water Treaty between Pakistan and India at the state level is not only important in the region but also at the international level. The World Bank is a guarantor and has a key role in this agreement. The Indus Water Treaty is also considered as a model treaty at the global level and it was drafted keeping in mind the most subtle points. divided India into two parts and new countries India and Pakistan emerged on the map of the world but the division of rivers could not be implemented. Some rivers from Pakistan to India and some rivers flowed from India towards the Pakistan border. The rivers used to end up irrigating their natural channels and the areas adjacent to the river are lush and green. And natural resources such as water are very important, the flow of river water has a very important effect on the natural ecosystem. After the partition, there was a cold war between India and Pakistan and within a few months after the partition, the first war was fought over the issue of Kashmir. India blocked the flow of water towards Pakistan and obstructed the natural flow of water in 1948 to wipe out its losses. This action of India was considered anti-Pakistan and protests were also recorded under foreign affairs and protests were also recorded at the international level. India did not want to accept Pakistan's position, the situation was getting worse and worse, and the tension between Pakistan and India continued to increase. I did not respond, after which the matter went to the United Nations in 1951 and the United Nations began to consider various proposals to solve the problem. The United Nations convinced the World Bank to play its role as guarantor.
 The Indus Water Treaty was signed in 1960 by the Heads of State, the then Chief Martial Law Administrator and President of Pakistan, General Ayub Khan, and the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru. The signing ceremony of the Indus Water Treaty took place in Karachi, the capital of Pakistan. Under the agreement, 80 percent of the water from the Sindh Jhelum and Chenab was recognized as Pakistan's right, while control of the Beas Ravi and Sutlej was given to India. The Indus Water Treaty is actually a memorandum of equitable distribution of river water, which is often violated by India. This agreement is therefore implemented so that the natural flow of river water cannot be disrupted for agriculture and other human needs. India has built around 500 small and large dams in the Kashmir region under its control and during the monsoon season, when it rains and there is water all around, it opens the water in the dam, resulting in Floods occurring in Punjab in Pakistan. Video for obove Subject on youtube 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

What is the reason for expensive electricity in Pakistan?

WAPDA was responsible for all the problems of electricity in Pakistan, all the contracts, and all the affairs, and it carried out this responsibility till 1992. After that, contracts were signed with IPP, in which there was an agreement that as much electricity as they would generate, they would We will buy and guarantee that the government and the independent power producers in Pakistan started using coal and furnace oil to generate electricity.
 Independent power producers started using oil and the lowest quality oil used for burning was burnt to generate electricity in Pakistan and caused huge damage to the environment which will be affected by future generations with modern technology. The use of solar energy and the use of solar technology was very appropriate at that time. Pakistan is an indebted country and is on the brink of collapse due to independent power producers. The corruption that has been exposed in the power sector is chief among the contracts entered into with independent power producers that include an agreement to pay in dollars. Over time, the value of the rupee has decreased, the dollar has become more expensive and the people have become devastated. Electricity has not been generated from renewable energy sources in Pakistan, the environment has deteriorated, the economy has also deteriorated, the financial condition of the people has also deteriorated, and this is the main reason for the increase in inflation. Pakistan had water reservoirs and resources from which we could generate energy without damaging the environment, we can meet our needs by getting energy from wind and sun, but in the past, those agreements were made for the commission. which are seriously affecting the common citizen. In the past, exemptions and reliefs were given to independent power producers in income tax, besides, independent power producers need to prepare for orders, and financial reports need to be prepared about them. They supply only 25% of the electricity that was supposed to be generated as per the contracts while receiving 100% of the amount as capacity charges and they are paid on time which is a deep mystery. The people have understood this to some extent and their understanding will surely make the rulers realize in the coming days. The government of Pakistan has given billions of rupees more to the independent power producers in the name of oil and what they have given according to the agreement. are more and what has been paid in the form of capacity charges cannot be said to be less than a cruelty and the game played with the public is no longer tolerated by the public. They have been rewarded with huge benefits in the past which have destroyed the country's economy and the plants installed to generate electricity. Some recovered their cost in just one year and after that made billions of rupees in profit and paid a commission out of it. Independent Power Producers have earned legitimate as well as illegitimate profits and this is equivalent to giving a shock to the economy of Pakistan which it could not bear today the image of Pakistan in the international world is that of the most backward and the poorest country that has not signed the agreement. In the spirit of this, whether the government of Pakistan buys electricity or not, in the next two years, it will give thousands of billions of rupees to power plants in the form of capacity payment, which is an injustice. and the production capacity is 44,000 megawatts, but despite this, load shedding is taking place and despite not generating electricity, capacity charges are being collected. In 2019, the Senate Standing Committee on Power compiled a report and research, which has just been acted upon, which contains all the facts that private sector power plants and their contracts have become a burden and third world. The tactics used by the rulers of the countries to get the commission are the same tactics we see here. It is also a violation of international laws and payment in dollars is a violation of international laws. These agreements are for the next 40 years. which should be stopped immediately environment friendly power generation plants are the urgent need of the hour and power generation other than solar wind and hydro should be banned in Pakistan as it affects the environment and environmental pollution is increasing. Nepra in Pakistan showed negligence and did not perform its duties properly and benefited the Independent Power Producers to the tune of billions of rupees which they illegally raised under the wrong contract legally some cases have also come forward that Independent Power Producers took the Government of Pakistan to court and the verdict was against the Government of Pakistan. Capacity charges are being charged to independent power producers in electricity bills, which is an injustice. which has put Pakistan's economy on hold and due to the expensive dollar, the load is continuously increasing. In Pakistan, the electricity project costing one and a half billion rupees is being costed in Bangladesh at half the cost. Wind power generation. It's happening in four cents around the world while in Pakistan it is costing 14 cents.

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Supreme Court of Pakistan is a constitutional body

The Supreme Court of Pakistan is an institution established under the Constitution, which has the authority to interpret the Constitution and is authorized to make very complex, constitutional decisions. If considered closely, it is very different and in such circumstances, if the Supreme Court of Pakistan takes decisions in accordance with the constitution and law and under their spirit, it has direct effects on our democracy and political conditions, which is a positive step forward. Or the situation can be said that it is our good fortune that apart from the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the High Courts of the provinces are also making decisions according to the constitution and the law and in accordance with their spirit. And a constitutional balance is created. In these situations, if the decisions of the Supreme Court are criticized and its background is political, then its effects will directly affect the democracy and the democratic structure. An independent independent judiciary is needed in a democracy. In order for them to get their rights, there is a backward democracy in Pakistan and the people are deprived of their rights to the extent that the constitution and law give them rights, they do not get those rights. The trust of the people in the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the satisfaction of the civil society is the proof that in the near future the Supreme Court and the High Court of Pakistan will be stronger, independent, independent and will make the decisions that the law requires. And in accordance with the constitution, where they have the trust of the people, they also have the support of other constitutional institutions under the institutional balance. According to democratic thinking, according to democratic ethics, the decisions of the higher judiciary cannot be criticized and there are some limits that we have to take care of so that the judiciary can perform its duties in the best way.


Monday, July 8, 2024

Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah of Kashmir

Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah, a historical political figure, the leader of Kashmir who became a leader from a poor person, who did not know him, on October 26, 1947, Kashmir was annexed to India and Sheikh Abdullah played an important role in it, he played an important role in the politics of Jammu and Kashmir. He believed that Kashmir could not be won by force. He was born on December 5, 1905 in Srinagar. The title of Sheikh was added at that time when the Afghan government was in place. His father, Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim, died 15 days before his birth. His family was a Kashmiri shawl business. While his two stepmothers were also there, during his childhood, the persecution of the Dogra rulers was at its peak and the doors of higher education were closed to Muslims. After learning Arabic and Persian, he was admitted to primary school, where after only two years of study and passing two classes, his family forced him to do housework and he was removed from the school. After some time he was re-admitted to school and his mother played an important role when he passed primary and joined secondary school. He used to walk 10 miles daily to school. In 1922 After matriculation, he joined SP College, Srinagar. The college was far away and his health deteriorated due to the difficulty of commuting. He obtained this degree with good marks.

                                   During his studies, he saw the poet of the East, Hazrat Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, may God bless him and grant him peace, in an event. He had only heard about him. He also studied the important newspapers and issues of that time in-depth, and during his studies, he kept meeting with Allama Iqbal. He was greatly influenced by the poet Mashriq Allama Iqbal and his personality. He thought but he could get only one degree so after doing B.Sc he enrolled in M.Sc.Chemistry.In 1930 he got an M.Sc.He wanted to go to Europe for further higher education but Muslims Because the doors of scholarship were closed, he felt the poverty around him and the harsh treatment of Muslims and expressed his views on it. He started gathering students and organizing study circles. The exchange of ideas used to be the agenda of knowledge gatherings. He formed a committee of which he was made secretary general. They used to write articles on the plight and publish them in important newspapers so that the world could understand the difficulties of the helpless Kashmiris. Educated circles also started trying to raise political awareness and so far they have been successful. They only talked about the exploitation of Kashmiri Muslims. His fame started to spread slowly. He used to leave home on his bicycle in the morning and till evening he would meet various government departments and common people from whom he would know the latest facts on the ground. His family hoped that Sheikh Abdullah would get a job. Looking for and would get a job soon to improve their financial condition, they also needed to improve their financial condition so they started teaching as a science teacher in a secondary school six miles from Dudh School. He rented a room nearby so that he could meet the common people and save the time that would have been wasted in going home. He started addressing the common Muslims even in the big mosques.

Mirwaiz of Kashmir also introduced him to the common people. The Dogra government banned speeches in mosques. In violation, he addressed and offered prayers in the Jamia Masjid, Srinagar, on which his science teacher, Muzaffar, was killed. Abad was transferred, refused, and dismissed from his job as a teacher. Addressing a large gathering, he announced his resignation. He is ready to sacrifice for Kashmiris. After this speech, there was a big protest against the government and he was awarded the title of Lion of Kashmir. 

                                                  He used to recite Allama Iqbal's poetry in his speeches. Kashmiri Muslims were divided into different sects. The Muslims of the sects announced to move forward as one and he was chosen as the representative of the Muslims along with some other important leaders. took cover in an unknown location but he would have reached to lead the relay from where arresting him would have become a problem. Martyred came to Srinagar Jail to express solidarity with a Muslim leader. When he was on trial, this incident had a severe impact on him and he started a resistance movement, on which the government arrested him along with other leaders. The government offered him a negotiation and said that He should not make any more inflammatory speeches. Sheikh Abdullah stood his ground. After 21 days, Sheikh Abdullah was released from jail. On 21 December 1931, he was again arrested and imprisoned in Badami Bagh. 

                              Protests against Sheikh Abdullah's arrest started all over Kashmir. The protests turned violent. Many people were killed and injured. This time the Maharaja kept Sheikh Abdullah in prison for a long time. When he was released, his Supporters were divided into two factions Mirwaiz Kashmir had developed his relationship with Yusuf Shah Maharaja and his supporters were now against Sheikh Abdullah On 21 June 1932 state police opened fire on protesters in Rajouri killing 25 Muslims. He was martyred and a strong protest started in the entire state. Sheikh Abdullah came to meet the head of the Galicani Commission, Mr. Galisi, and protested strongly against this cruelty. After six months, he was transferred to the Central Jail, Srinagar, where he was kept in intensive care. It was recommended that those whose income is less than 400 rupees be deprived of the right to vote. Only 10% of the people could vote. After Shaikh Abdullah's hypocrisy, after consultation with Mr. Yaqoob Ali and Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas, the progress of forming a political party. and some Muslim leaders were given the responsibility of preparing the party's manifesto. On October 16, 1932, the establishment of the Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference was announced in the Jama Masjid of Srinagar, and its flag was hoisted on Sheikh Abdullah. Why was Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas made the secretary general? The purpose of forming the party was to protect the Muslims from the persecution of the Dogar regime. This party started a political awareness movement which brought positive results. After withdrawing in December 1932, he presented his demands to the government. On March 5, 1933, a meeting of the General Council of the Muslim Conference was held at Srinagar in which a committee was formed.

                                          This committee was entrusted with the task of reconciling the non-Muslim masses with disappointing results, after which dissensions arose within the Muslim Conference, which was thought to launch a civil disobedience movement, and a new party, the Adad Muslim Conference emerged. In October 1933, Sheikh Abdullah got married to Akbar Jahan, whose parents were English, and his father-in-law, who became Muslim, adopted the name Ahmad Hussain, who was very wealthy. Akbar Jahan had an MA in English. She took special care of all matters and the house when Sheikh Abdullah was in jail. He was arrested and released on August 7, 1933. His congregation included people of different sects and sects. His speeches created more enthusiasm. The second annual meeting of the Muslim Conference was held on 15 December 1933 in Mirpur Azad Kashmir, which lasted for three days, to which the poet Mashrikh Allama Iqbal was also invited. 

                                     In this meeting, there was a demand for the establishment of a legislative assembly in Kashmir and for giving Muslims a share in government jobs. His health was deteriorating due to constant burns and the advice of the doctors was that he should rest. He went to Lahore and Dr. After meeting Allama Iqbal and consulting with him on political matters, the Legislative Assembly elections were to be held in Kashmir in 1934. As this Legislative Assembly had no special status, he instructed his party to prepare for contesting the elections. In the elections held on September 4, 1934, the Muslim Conference won 14 out of 21 seats and emerged as the largest party. The first meeting of the assembly was held on 17 October 1934. Maharaja Hari Singh and the Prime Minister also attended this meeting. In 1936, the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Kashmir Muslim Conference organized a function in which Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah declared the Muslim Conference a part of the All-India Muslim League. They are in the majority, they should take special care of the minorities and take them with them in their party, in this way, the movement will expand further. Sheikh Abdullah met Pandit Dewar Lal Nehru in 1937. For the Kashmir Assembly elections to be held, there was a need to develop a broad mindset in which apart from the Muslims, the Hindus were also brought together for support and the Sikhs were also supported. The election will be held and this time the Muslim Conference won 19 seats out of 19. The first assembly session was held on September 7, 1938, in which the elected members of the Muslim Conference put their old demands before the government. I ended Sheikh Abdullah was waiting for him to come but he died which was not a shock to him. See, he realized that if he wanted to gain support throughout the world, he would have to expand his ideology. He was released on 28th February 1939 and was given a warm welcome by the people. In June 1939, major decisions were taken in the meeting of the Muslim Conference, and the Muslim Conference was converted into the National Conference and now this Jamaat. Freedom from hunger poverty and slavery was given to believers of every religion in the manifesto because these things have no religion. Many non-Muslim leaders became part of the National Conference.

                                               The flag was red and had a plow symbol on it, Many Muslims also turned against it. This was the time when Sheikh Abdullah's relations with the Indian National Congress became good. When they decided to celebrate it, the non-Muslim leaders strongly opposed it, and they explained that the martyrs had offered their lives against oppression and Sheikh Abdullah's words were understood. Thereafter, every year on 13 July This day started to be celebrated on May 30, 1940, when Nehru came to Kashmir and welcomed him. On September 27, 1940, the first and second meetings of the National Conference were held in Srinagar, in which Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan also participated. A mushaira was also held and the most important Shahrahs participated. Hafeez Jalandhri is worth mentioning. In 1941, he also arranged the marriage of the famous poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his wife Alice Josh in Srinagar.He also had meetings with Josh Miliabadi, Maulana Hasrat Mohani, etc. After the end of World War II, the situation in Kashmir became very bad and the people were suffering from severe financial problems. In 1944, he presented the New Kashmir Program to Maharaja Hari Singh, which demanded a constitution in Kashmir. The Muslim Conference in Kashmir was under the leadership of Chaudhry Ghulam Abbasi and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Janna supported the Muslim Conference instead of the National Conference. When the Cabinet Mission reached Srinagar, Sheikh Abdullah was in Lahore. He sent a telegram from Lahore to the Cabinet Mission in which he wrote that we wanted complete independence from Maharaja Hari Singh. The British had sold Kashmir to the Dogra rulers. Now we are those rulers. Wanting complete freedom from 15 May 1946, while addressing a large protest and gathering, he said that he announced the Quit Kashmir Movement. The Quit Kashmir Movement grew stronger day by day. The movement against Maharaja Hari Singh was at its peak in Kashmir and Nehru wanted to create a soft spot for Maharaja in his heart but this time his government arrested him if against this arrest.There was a massive protest against this arrest and the protest turned violent 20 people were shot by the police and dozens of people were also injured. Other leaders were also arrested and the Quit Kashmir movement became stronger. This question has been raised whether Kashmir should go with Pakistan or India or should remain independent. Their vision was to remain independent. in 47 Gandhi came to Kashmir and met the entire family of Maharaja Hari Singh. Sheikh Abdullah was in jail, and Gandhi met his wife, Akbar, wherever he went, he went back, after which the situation worsened, he saw Maharaj shaking his throne.On September 29, 1947, Sheikh Abdullah was released. On October 3, 1947, a large rally was held in which Sheikh Abdullah addressed and said that the situation had changed and Pakistan and India had come into existence. Now Kashmiris have to make a decision. But it is important that our lives are smaller than the government, only then we will be in a position to make a better decision and wherever we want to go to Kashmir, it will be the decision of the Kashmiri people.The Maharajah allowed the Pakistan Post to operate in Kashmir and the Pakistan flag was first seen in the building of the GPO Srinagar, indicating the Maharajah's support for Pakistan and later in the state. The impression spread that the Maharaja wanted to annex India against the wishes of the Muslim majority, which led to a rebellion and even to get an Indian army, the Maharaja was forced to annex India to save his power.As a result of accession to Pakistan, his power would have ended within a short period of time and that was a foregone conclusion, The Maharaja's little ire could not control the situation and he thought it best to accede to India. Gandhi had visited Kashmir in August 1947 and requested the Maharaja that he would accede to India. The situation was constantly deteriorating. Maharaja Hari Singh moved from Srinagar to Jammu and signed the Haq document from home. established and stood in the way of the Indian army to control the situation which had gone out of control. Accession was done on 27th October 1947 and on the same day, the Indian army entered Kashmir. And it seemed better to him that Sheikh Abdullah supported the Maharaja on this occasion, in response to which he was appointed as the Chief Administrator. The situation in the state began to deteriorate further and Nehru came to Kashmir and in a meeting, Sheikh Abdullah raised his hand with him. He promised the Muslim people that India would definitely give the right to self-determination to the Kashmiri people under the Treaty of Al-Haq. On 30th January 1948, he passed away from the dirty world and Sheikh Abdullah was in America at that time. He expressed his regret but did not participate in the last rites. Made Prime Minister In March 1948, when he was made Prime Minister, he made Bakshi Ghulam Muhammad the Deputy Prime Minister, the majority of ministers were Hindus.He tried to give shape to his famous slogan Naya Kashmir, reforms were made in agriculture and no zamindar could own land with more than 182 kanals. The doors of jobs were opened and the result of these policies was that their duties from the Delhi government began to increase. Sheikh Abdullah used to consider the Delhi government's interference in Kashmir unacceptable. Under Kashmir was almost an independent state, the Delhi government now wanted to annex Kashmir and give it the status of a province of India, which was against the accession document. 

                 This was not acceptable to the leaders of the National Conference. On April 4, 1951, it was decided to establish a Constituent Assembly in Kashmir. In September 1951, elections were held for 100 seats of the Constituent Kashmir Assembly. Making its own constitution for Kashmir was made its first goal, besides reviewing the accession to India and taking important decisions, the important objectives will also be considered. Mukhtar Kashmiri State This was included in the document of accession of India. Karan Singh was made the President of Kashmir. On May 16, 1956, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru came to Kashmir and asked Sheikh Abdullah to tell the Kashmiri Muslims that our future belongs to India. Saath Hai which was refused by Sheikh Abdullah, on which Dewar Lal Nehru got angry and went back to Delhi. On August 9, 1956, Sheikh Abdullah was removed from the Prime Minister's shift on the orders of the President of Kashmir Karan Singh and arrested Bakshi Ghulam Muhammad. A new prime minister was made in the state of Kashmir, there were protest rallies and demonstrations against him and thousands of people were arrested. Sheikh Abdullah took the position that the Kashmir issue should be resolved according to the resolutions of the United Nations. India would gradually strengthen its grip on Kashmir. was leaving and Sheikh Abdullah protested against it. In January 1958, Sheikh Abdullah was released early. Speaking to journalists, he said that I did not betray India, but India betrayed me. Addressing a large gathering, he said that no decision regarding Kashmir can be taken in Karachi, Delhi, Moscow, or Washington, Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris and they will decide it. Josh Walula appeared on 19 April 1958. He was arrested again. In 1962, he was elected to the Constituent Assembly for the second time, in which the National Conference won 68 of the 74 seats. He left for and was received at Chaklala Airport. Foreign Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto came to pick him up and Sheikh Abdullah later met Pakistan President Ayub Khan and discussed matters of mutual interest. Sheikh Abdullah brought Ayub Khan to Delhi. Invited which was accepted and announced, And it was announced that the President of Pakistan would soon visit Delhi, After a few days, Nehru died and Lal Bahadur Shastri was made the Prime Minister of India. During this period, Kashmir was annexed to India through constitutional amendments and it was called the two legs of India, while the wishes of the Kashmiri people were the opposite. They wanted the right of self-determination and continuous struggle had become a part of normal life. Defense of Indian Constitution 356 357 was implemented in Kashmir. could have made arrangements that were in violation of the treaty of accession with Maharaja Hari Singh. Six In 1965, Abdullah performed Hajj with his wife and other friends and made a detailed tour of Europe. On this occasion, he expressed his anger against the Indian government. His passports will be canceled, if he returns, he will be arrested at the airport and sent to Bangalore, while Begum Akbar Jahan has been kept in Delhi. He was detained for three years, his health deteriorated and he was shifted to a hospital for treatment. He started the movement and invited all the political parties to come on one platform so that the solution to the Kashmir problem could be found. Sheikh Abdullah was elected as the president of this platform. Self-determination is the right of Kashmiris and no one can take it away. His party workers were banned and arrested. The aim of these measures was to keep him out of the elections. Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi signed the Shimla Agreement on July 2, 1972, and it was decided that The issue of Kashmir would be resolved mutually. Sheikh Abdullah and his party were not allowed to participate in the elections, but some members of Jamaat-e-Islami were allowed to participate. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi called Sheikh Abdullah to Delhi and said that we are starting a new chapter in history by forgetting the past. had given up the slogan of the right to self-determination, due to which he had to stay in jail for about 22 years. He thought that he should not lose his political position.He signed the Kashmir Accord in 1975, which was called the Indira Sheikh Accord. On February 21, 1975, he took over as the Chief Minister of Kashmir. On March 27, 1977, the Kashmir Assembly was dissolved on the advice of Governor Sheikh Abdullah, and President's rule was imposed in Kashmir.Elections were held in June 1977 and Sheikh Abdullah suffered from heart disease and was unable to participate in the election process. When the results were announced on July 5, 1977, Sheikh Abdullah's party won 50 of the 75 seats and formed the government. On January 9, 1977, Sheikh Abdullah became the Chief Minister. In 1981, Sheikh Abdullah thought of making his wife Akbar Jahan the crown prince and on her refusal, he appointed his son Farooq Abdullah as his successor. He died in September 1982 at the age of 76. Millions of people attended his last rites.You can also watch more information from this video link. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Why is the weather getting hotter in Pakistan?

Way is the weather getting hotter in Pakistan? 

It is a fact that all major cities of Pakistan have become concrete jungles especially Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Hyderabad, and others where there is a severe shortage of trees, plants are not being grown properly and those that are planted are not taken care of, as a result of which these plants wither quickly. There is a video link above on this topic which can be seen in detail and you can know what are the main reasons.


Under the constitution of Pakistan, there is a two-member parliament, one is the National Assembly and the other is the Senate of Pakistan.T...